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What si Disadvantages

E-Commerce is a commercial   sector where transactions are possible with the help of internet connection. More and more industries are moving their operations via online mode as it is the choice of the consumar. Its prevalence continues to grow and prosper without any signs of slowing down

The ability to operate online has made many entities profitable.  There cannot be ups without downs and pros without cons and this is the case with e-commerce.

One of the most important disadvantages of e-commerce can be a lack of reliability and security because of poor implementation. The other factor is user resistance as most people are not comfortable in making a purchase without trying or physically touching the product

1) Security

Online portals have been in the news a lot because of hacks by cybercriminals and hackers. It is a very serious issue as your account might be hacked because of negligence and wiped out clean of the existing cash.

It is important to remain vigilant and proactive to protect the website and ultimately the customer related information. Security has been a concern since its inception and is considered a major disadvantage of e-commerce.

2) Site crash

E-commerce is fully dependent on internet connection. A major disadvantage of e-commerce is putting a stop to buying capabilities because of a site crash. Such a small word site crash but has the ability to put a whole business  down within a few seconds.

3) No possibility of tried and tested product

One of the major disadvantages of e-commerce portal is that a customer is unable to try and test the product for his own satisfaction. We are habituated to buy at physical stores after trying a product several times and suddenly it takes a lot of guts to change this lifetime habit where you cannot touch, try and test beforehand.

4) Late delivery

Late delivery is one of the common disadvantages of e-commerce platforms. While ordering a product the customer is assured that it will reach him in maximum seven days or a particular time period. In most cases that does not happen and you are kept waiting for it.

His whole day is wasted and he could not go outside as per his original schedule. Such a situation makes the customer angry as he feels unnecessarily harassed.

5) Some products are difficult to buy online

You cannot trust yourself to make a purchase without visibly touching, trying, testing them and this can prove a disadvantage for an e-commerce site.  All the images and assurances cannot tempt you to buy some items, for example, you need to buy a gold and diamond bracelet.

6) Lack of privacy

Some sites do not have advanced encrypted technology that can protect your personal details from hackers and it is a cause of grave concern. This sensitive information if is leaked can create lots of problems for a consumer.

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